Dry Lake Fairy Shrimp is one of Streptocephalus family member. They live in heavy muddy water of dry lakes during the late spring to the summer. In an excellent condition they can survive in warm water which temperature goes up to 34 C degrees, but the wind always blows on dry lakes and limit the temperature does not go up that much. The fairy shrimps grow up to 13-22mm in length, and usually male shrimps are larger than female shrimps. They are appeared as red-orange, but the food can make changes to the color: sometimes light green, white body with black pattern, or orange. They start to reproduce between 10 to 15 days after hatching, but in fast cases produce eggs in 9 days after hatching. Their life span is normally 3 to 5 weeks, but the longest case is about 9 weeks.
Female fairy shrimps produce eggs (cysts) from dozens to hundreds in their life. Brood sack (egg pouch) is placed on the front of female shrimp's tail. Eggs are developed inside of the body to the tail and the form looks like marshmallow. They are moved into brood sack when developed well, and the shape will be changed like a ball and get thicker membrane as moving into sack, and new eggs will be on the same progress one after another. Eggs are white when they are in the tail and in the brood sack for a day, then the eggs become gray-brown day by day. After about four days moved into the sack the eggs will be released as new eggs are moved into brood sack. Between second to fifth week after hatching is the most active producing period. After fifth week female shrimps produce slowly.