Applying DA, TI and TDS to a set of dry commercial and explicitly
bitter white wines revealed that residual sugars, especially
fructose, and ethanol correlated highly with bitterness, but not
total phenols content (Sokolowsky & Fischer, 2012). This supports
our findings in this study that increased total phenols due to skin
contact does not necessarily lead to more bitter wines, while masking
of bitterness by sugars play an important role.
Complementary knowledge gained by different sensory techniques
Evaluation by DA provides an intensity score of the particular
attribute only at a point of time, which is individually chosen by
the judge. Even TI assessment very seldomly yields more than
one peak of maximum intensity, because the focus on one modality
alone tends to suppress perception of other modalities. During TDS
analysis, however, dominance of a particular attribute is always
assessed in comparison with other attributes or modalities and
Applying DA, TI and TDS to a set of dry commercial and explicitlybitter white wines revealed that residual sugars, especiallyfructose, and ethanol correlated highly with bitterness, but nottotal phenols content (Sokolowsky & Fischer, 2012). This supportsour findings in this study that increased total phenols due to skincontact does not necessarily lead to more bitter wines, while maskingof bitterness by sugars play an important role.Complementary knowledge gained by different sensory techniquesEvaluation by DA provides an intensity score of the particularattribute only at a point of time, which is individually chosen bythe judge. Even TI assessment very seldomly yields more thanone peak of maximum intensity, because the focus on one modalityalone tends to suppress perception of other modalities. During TDSanalysis, however, dominance of a particular attribute is alwaysassessed in comparison with other attributes or modalities and
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