My name is Jiraporn . I live in Tambon Jom Tong , Amphur Muang Phitsanulok , Phitsanulok Province . My community are outskirt . The total area of Tambon Jom Tong is thirty-five point eight square kilometers . Most of the area are agricultural area , around ninety percent . Most of the people in Tambon Jom Tong are the farmer , around eighty percent . Agricultural area is near living area as a result , people exposed with chemical such as pesticide , herbicide , Chemical fertilizer and other from inhalation , absorption and ingestion . Chemicals accumulate in the body . In the long term , makes the body infirm and causes many diseases such as cancer .
My home is near the Nan river , some year have the flood as a result , people have Athlete's Foot , Food Poisoning and Diarrhea . Have four pond near my home as a result , a mosquito hotbed . And have many tree around my home as a result , the habitat of mosquitoes . Make my home have a lot of mosquitoes , create a nuisance and may cause Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever . The weather is hot at my home as a result , sometimes cause heat stroke . And my home is near the street . Have many cars and motorcycle past this street as a result , have noise and vibration when the car past . It make me unobtrusive and irritability .
My name is Jiraporn . I live in Tambon Jom Tong , Amphur Muang Phitsanulok , Phitsanulok Province . My community are outskirt . The total area of Tambon Jom Tong is thirty-five point eight square kilometers . Most of the area are agricultural area , around ninety percent . Most of the people in Tambon Jom Tong are the farmer , around eighty percent . Agricultural area is near living area as a result , people exposed with chemical such as pesticide , herbicide , Chemical fertilizer and other from inhalation , absorption and ingestion . Chemicals accumulate in the body . In the long term , makes the body infirm and causes many diseases such as cancer .My home is near the Nan river , some year have the flood as a result , people have Athlete's Foot , Food Poisoning and Diarrhea . Have four pond near my home as a result , a mosquito hotbed . And have many tree around my home as a result , the habitat of mosquitoes . Make my home have a lot of mosquitoes , create a nuisance and may cause Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever . The weather is hot at my home as a result , sometimes cause heat stroke . And my home is near the street . Have many cars and motorcycle past this street as a result , have noise and vibration when the car past . It make me unobtrusive and irritability .
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