Attached is my latest ( yesterday’s) VIEWPOINT – The Thai Political Conundrum – Early 2014 which I am distributing to a wide variety of clients, friends, colleagues, and relatives.
My observations on the subject above have been approved for release to the public. It was written more for a non-Thai resident audience who are not really informed on the current state of affairs in Thailand other than what they are fed by the international TV new channels and the press read abroad. It is far too long for a sound bite but to be fair to the reader and to cover the subject for the outsider, it had to be more full bodied than a snippet. In just a few pages, it does not and cannot cover all aspects of the background or the full stories of why what is happening is happening. Telling it as it is and sticking to “Just the Facts, Ma’am” I have tried to be balanced, not too dramatic, yet accurate, and in the end, encouraging. I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel of Thailand’s current entanglement. And, absent any more wrongheadedness on the part of the powers that be, the end of that tunnel should not be too far away.
Please feel free to pass this report on to any others you wish. I would consider that to be a compliment that you thought enough of the report to want to share it. You do not need my permission.