Good day my honey,how was your day? Hope you are having a good time over there,hope everything is fine.You have brought good fortunes,happiness, love and hope to my life,I get surprised by the good improvement I get on a daily basis since you came into my life Honey. You are God sent to me. I truly love and cherish you .Thank you so much for the wonderful words of encouragement so far. Thank you for your compliments about my person. I am happy you appreciate me and I love you. So does Kim
Honey,Sorry i did not write to you later today. I have been so busy with work. I was in my Gallery today and I started composing a letter about my history so that I can send it to you today, it was taking quite some time and then I received an urgent call from my agent in Africa that on the 16TH OF OCTOBER,2014 is an African Arts/Craft/Furniture Exhibition show shall kick off. I was so surprised because i had been waiting for this event for quite sometime. I had to immediately start to make plans for it. My Gallery is almost empty due to the numerous customers that visited the Gallery during summer and Holiday period. I really need to buy more Crafts to stock the Gallery and this is just a really great opportunity for me. I'm really making plans for the trip to Africa and I have 3 weeks break to go for the trip because I would really love to have a nice holiday to rest after the busy schedule of the period. The Art and Craft Exhibition shall last for 3 days so I still have a free time of about 2 weeks and so I was thinking if it will be possible to visit you and spend the whole of my holiday with you in Thailand and then go back to Bradford. More so i think my coming to Thailand will also avail us the opportunity to discuss and know each other better because this our love is getting better for me on a daily basis.
I want you to inform me if it is possible to come visiting you this time in Thailand and I will have to come over with Kim because she is going with me to Africa because i don't have anyone to leave her here with and she will want to come visit you too. I thought my next trip was going to be to Switzerland in a couple of months time and i was hoping that we could meet up in Switzerland or maybe i could visit you in Thailand, but i think it is a good thing that this trip has come up earlier. I do want you to understand that I will be able to take care of any expenses during our stay and I want you to inform me where we can locate a nice and suitable hotel that is not very far from your residence.
Honey, I do believe you are ready to meet me and you can't wait to hold me tight in your arms because I feel the same way here, I will have to go and purchase our ticket soon. I intend leaving on the 15TH OF OCTOBER,2014 to Africa so that we can meet up with the exhibition date because I have done every other preparation.
Honey I shall await your swift response soonest so i can start processing our travel documents.