The network structure of ANP can be regarded as one of the strength of the method, since it offers the possibility of simulating complex physical processes through expert opinion. The major hitch of the network structure is the large number of pairwise comparisons needed for its implementation. Thus, even with a simple network structure of this case study, there were a large number of pairwise comparisons. Greater potential of ANP over analytic hierarchy process (AHP) must also be discussed, in that it allowed for interaction and feedback among factors responsible for sustainable tourism development. Indeed, the network structure is an important advance on a hierarchical structure. However, the cost of this advance is the greater number of pairwise comparisons required as mentioned earlier. The model could be replicated in highlands with similar characteristics to the one in focus; due to its flexible nature of accommodating changes in the decision maker’s preference. These could be achieved by modifying sustainable tourism development factors and interdependences based on the local condition.