Name of School Date School Starts
Address — Street
(To be completed by the school the applicant will attend in host
country) The applicant will attend school from date of school start for
one school year. Costs of tuition and activities not a part of the normal
curriculum must be paid by the applicant or his/her parents/guardians.
Affix School’s Stamp or Official Seal City State/Province
Postal Code Country
Phone Fax E-mail
Name of School Official Title/Position Signature Date (e.g., 01/Jan/2006)
(G) FIRST HOST FAMILY (required)
Student: Please submit this form with the rest of the completed application to your local Rotary club or district.
Your information will be shared with Rotary International. It will only be used for official RI business and not sold to or shared with third parties, unless
required by law to be released.
Rotary district/clubs: Please mail completed Guarantee Form to the address below.
Youth Exchange
Rotary International
One Rotary Center
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA
Name Address — Street
City State/Province Postal Code Country
Home Phone Mobile Phone Fax E-mail
Name of Host Father Name of Host Mother Name(s) and Ages of Other Adult(s) in Home
Address — Street
City State/Province Postal Code Country
Home Phone Mobile Phone Fax E-mail