Liana Dellis-Pridnia: Since when did Turkey join the EU?
Open European borders has little (nothing) to do with Greece's illegal immigration problem. Most (and we're talking above 95%) of Greece's illegal immigrants are citizens of non-EU countries. And, with Greece's economy being what it is, the fact that tiny Greece has one of the world's worst illegal immigration problems (whether measured per capita, or by individuals per day, or by individuals per square-kilometer), is simply something that cannot remain unaddressed.
That isn't racism; it's mathematics.
Should people be kinder to their "fellow man" regardless of the person's race, creed, gender, etc? Absolutely!
But, to say that Greeks should "get used to [non-Greeks] (or «ξένοι» as you put it)" because "the EU has an open-border policy," when almost all illegal immigrants are non-EU citizens, is such a misinformed notion, it belittles both the problems of racism (in Greece and throughout the world) and Greece's oppression (be it at the hand of foreign enemies (like Nazi Germany, Turkey, or Skopje) or our so-called allies and friends (like the ECB/Troika, Merkel/Germany, or the more economically powerful EU-Members