PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ- it's about accepting who you are!
So last night I had the pleasure of meeting an amazing woman at the restaurant. She was a server and she was so happy and excited when she saw me. Which I loved because I love seeing people smile. Before I left I wanted to say goodbye and and when I did she introduced me to her roommate. Her roommate said, "I don't do your videos because I'm a thick girl!" I kind of joked around with her and said "The more you can shake, the more you can make" and then we laughed and danced. But that got me thinking. Why do we let what we look like stop us from being healthiER? The ER is a big deal. No one said we have to be model thin. No one said we have to win a fitness competition. We just need to be healthiER. So, I woke up at 4:45am thinking about this very pretty and fun lady and compelled me to write the little poem below.
Some people LIKE thick
Some people LIKE thin
But It's bout how much you move
That makes your heart win
We constantly strive for what we see
But far too often it's outside of we
We meaning I
I meaning Me
Don't be halted by what you'll never be
that's a beautiful thing
Make a healthiER YOU
I promise you will WIN!
-Don't let your shape discourage you from being healthy. If we all looked alike life would be boring.
Some people want a thin spouse and some people like a little extra thickness. Not everyone is attracted to the SAME thing. As long as YOU accept who YOU are...that's who someone will love.
Happy Sunday and gosh darn it...workout to look good in YOUR BODY!