Are you ready, princess?" ianies sticks his blonde head in my dressing room A small smile spreads across my lips "rm not a princess uanmes I imittd him, applying my mascara. 'to all of those little girls out there you are James pushes aside the curtain and steps in. "Every other day from nine inthe morningtoeght at night, you are conside ed a princess adlust my win on my head. How do I lookTI spin to face him Hiseyes trail over my whole outtit "You look like a princess" inamow my eyes at him and pick up the tont of my dress 'You say that every time "It's the truth uarties ollers me his arm Islip one atttthrough his while myother straightens my long blonde wir out we walk out of the small building and down the pathway leading to the stueets ofDotiry. I work at Onney as wendytom Petei Pan andRapunael from Tangled Today, I am