Ungrounded Equipment
Grounding is a method of protecting employees from electric shock. By
grounding an electrical system, a low-resistance path to earth through
a ground connection is intentionally created. When properly done, this
path offers sufficiently low resistance and has sufficient currentcarrying
capacity to prevent the build-up of hazardous voltages. Most
fixed equipment such as large, stationary machines must be grounded.
Cord and plug connected equipment must be grounded if it is located in
hazardous or wet locations, if operated at more than 150 volts to
ground, or if it is of a certain type of equipment (such as refrigerators
and air conditioners). Smaller office equipment, such as typewriters
and coffee pots, would generally not fall into these categories and
therefore would not have to be grounded. However much of the newer
office equipment is manufactured with grounded plugs as a precaution
(three prong plugs). In such cases, the equipment should be used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. In any case, never
remove the third