Sorption Capacity and Detection Limits.The sorption
capacity of HAPTSC-functionalized Amberlite XAD-2 was
determined by batch method. The resin (1 g) was saturated with
Cd, Cu, and Ni ion solutions (concentration, 50µgmL-1
equilibrating the solutions on a mechanical shaker under
optimum conditions. The solid matrix was filtered and washed
with distilled water. The sorbed metal ions on the resin were
desorbed with 10 mL of 2.0 mol L
-1HNO3and determined by
ICPAES. The sorption capacities in mg/g are 3.7 for Cd, 5.6
for Cu, and 4.8 for Ni, respectively. The detection limits defined
as the concentration equivalent to three times the standard
deviation of the reagent blank prepared as described in a section
(sample preparation) of 10 measurements were found as 0.38
for Cd, 0.61µgkg-1
for Cu, and 0.54µgkg-1
for Ni.