Ancient civilizations& Nursing
Illness earlier was seen as “magic”, “sin” or “punishment”
During 700-600 B.C
Sushruta Samhita
waswritten by the great surgeon Sushruta, whosaid
"the physician, the patient, the drugs and the nurseare four feet of `Padas' of the medicine, upon whichthe cure depends".
The first nursing school started in India in250 B.C. during Charaka's time and onlymen were considered pure enough to benurses.
Other civilisations as Egyptians,Babylonians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romansalso shows evidences of nursing care.
Ancient civilizations& NursingIllness earlier was seen as “magic”, “sin” or “punishment” During 700-600 B.CSushruta Samhitawaswritten by the great surgeon Sushruta, whosaid"the physician, the patient, the drugs and the nurseare four feet of `Padas' of the medicine, upon whichthe cure depends".The first nursing school started in India in250 B.C. during Charaka's time and onlymen were considered pure enough to benurses.Other civilisations as Egyptians,Babylonians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romansalso shows evidences of nursing care.
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