Th e cv. Jarola was chosen as a standard by which
the other two were judged. Th e yields of radishes in
individual quality categories for the year 2009 are
shown in Table 1. Cv. Jarola had higher yields than
the two other cultivars in both years. Cvs Miyashige
and Red meat had similar total yields, but the marketable
yields were lower than those achieved by
OST (2003) for Chinese radish (37–49 t/ha), although
similar to, or higher than, those achieved
by Tindall (1983) (15–20 t/ha) and Quin (1995)
(22 t/ha). Th e yields best correspond to those
achieved by Pasda et al. (2001), when yields ranged
from 11 to 32 t/ha, depending on the amount of
fertilization. Additionally, the average weight of individual
roots did not reach the fi gure of around
2.5 kg reported by Tindall (1983).
Th e cv. Jarola was chosen as a standard by whichthe other two were judged. Th e yields of radishes inindividual quality categories for the year 2009 areshown in Table 1. Cv. Jarola had higher yields thanthe two other cultivars in both years. Cvs Miyashigeand Red meat had similar total yields, but the marketableyields were lower than those achieved byOST (2003) for Chinese radish (37–49 t/ha), althoughsimilar to, or higher than, those achievedby Tindall (1983) (15–20 t/ha) and Quin (1995)(22 t/ha). Th e yields best correspond to thoseachieved by Pasda et al. (2001), when yields rangedfrom 11 to 32 t/ha, depending on the amount offertilization. Additionally, the average weight of individualroots did not reach the fi gure of around2.5 kg reported by Tindall (1983).
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