Nonverbal Communication (eye contact, gestures, and posture) are important ingredients
throughout selection interviews. Scott Reeves reports a typical example in which an applicant
looked very strong on paper but “offered a dead fish handshake, slouched and fidgeted in his
chair, failed to make eye contact with the interviewer and mumbled responses to basic
questions.” He was not hired. Arden cites a study that found “a first impression is based on
7% spoken words, 38% tone of voice and 55% body language.” Interviewers react more
favorably toward applicants and rate them higher if they smile, have expressive facial
expressions, maintain eye contact, and have clear, forceful voices. Technology plays important
roles in the employment process, but recruiters interview applicants because they prefer “high
touch” to “high tech” when selecting people who will join and influence the futures of their
organizations. They want to see, hear, and observe you in action.
Dynamism and energy are communicated through the way you shake hands, sit, walk,
stand, gesture, and move your body. Use a firm but not crushing handshake. Try to appear (and
be) calm and relaxed, but sharp and in control. Avoid nervous gestures, fidgets, movements, and
playing with pens or objects on the interviewer’s desk. Respond crisply and confidently with no
sign of arrogance. When replying to questions, maintain eye contact with the recruiter. If there
are two or more recruiters in the room, glance at the others when answering a question but focus
primarily on the questioner, particularly as you complete your answer
Nonverbal Communication (eye contact, gestures, and posture) are important ingredientsthroughout selection interviews. Scott Reeves reports a typical example in which an applicantlooked very strong on paper but “offered a dead fish handshake, slouched and fidgeted in hischair, failed to make eye contact with the interviewer and mumbled responses to basicquestions.” He was not hired. Arden cites a study that found “a first impression is based on7% spoken words, 38% tone of voice and 55% body language.” Interviewers react morefavorably toward applicants and rate them higher if they smile, have expressive facialexpressions, maintain eye contact, and have clear, forceful voices. Technology plays importantroles in the employment process, but recruiters interview applicants because they prefer “hightouch” to “high tech” when selecting people who will join and influence the futures of theirorganizations. They want to see, hear, and observe you in action.Dynamism and energy are communicated through the way you shake hands, sit, walk,stand, gesture, and move your body. Use a firm but not crushing handshake. Try to appear (andbe) calm and relaxed, but sharp and in control. Avoid nervous gestures, fidgets, movements, andplaying with pens or objects on the interviewer’s desk. Respond crisply and confidently with nosign of arrogance. When replying to questions, maintain eye contact with the recruiter. If thereare two or more recruiters in the room, glance at the others when answering a question but focusprimarily on the questioner, particularly as you complete your answer
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