History Right upper eyelid swelling for 2 days.
Techniques : Plain and contrastenhanced axial scan of orbits with coronal and sagittal reformation
Fingding The study of the orbits shows mild eyelid swelling extending to preseptal region No abdomal mass is seen. Both optic verve have normal attenuation.
Oval-shape of both globes is seen bilaterally.Normal wall thickness and clear fluid cortent of the globes are observed.All extraocular muscle are of normal size and enhanoement . The retroorbital fat is clear without associated mass or intracranial hemorrege. The bony walls are intact. Both lens surery are present.
The superior/inferior orbital fissures and the carernous sinuses are unremarkable. A2-mm calcification in subcutaneous layer of the the right mid check is seen.
Fluid-filled in right maxillary sinus associated eith bony wall s screrosis represents chronic sinusitis.Trace oe mucosal thickening of both ethmoid sinuses is presest.Remaining PNSand mastoid are clear.Nasopharynx appears unremarkable. Severe osteopenia is present.
1.Mide eyelid swelling extending to preseptal region of the right eye could be infectious orinflammatory process.
2. Chronic right maxillary sinusitis