he need for a higher confining field in the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source traps has pushed towards the
use of superconducting magnets. Now many ECR sources work in the High B mode, i.e. with confining field up to 3 B,,, or
higher, which for frequency of 14GHz or higher makes it necessary to use superconducting magnets.
A comparison of superconducting ECR sources and room temperature ECR sources will be presented and particular
attention will be paid to the results obtained on 6.4 GHz SC-ECRIS at MSU-NSCL and to the project of the 14.5 GHz
SERSE, a superconducting ECR source which will be used at Laboratorio Nazionale de1 Sud (LNS) as injector for the K-800
Superconducting Cyclotron. The original project of its magnetic system has been upgraded by taking into account the results
of the High B mode operation of the SC-ECRIS at MSU and now the mirror field may achieve 2.7 T. The magnet design will
allow us to operate in a wide range of magnetic configuration and this should make the tuning of the source easy.
The prospects for the future will be outlined, along with the two next projects of superconducting ECR sources to be
he need for a higher confining field in the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source traps has pushed towards the
use of superconducting magnets. Now many ECR sources work in the High B mode, i.e. with confining field up to 3 B,,, or
higher, which for frequency of 14GHz or higher makes it necessary to use superconducting magnets.
A comparison of superconducting ECR sources and room temperature ECR sources will be presented and particular
attention will be paid to the results obtained on 6.4 GHz SC-ECRIS at MSU-NSCL and to the project of the 14.5 GHz
SERSE, a superconducting ECR source which will be used at Laboratorio Nazionale de1 Sud (LNS) as injector for the K-800
Superconducting Cyclotron. The original project of its magnetic system has been upgraded by taking into account the results
of the High B mode operation of the SC-ECRIS at MSU and now the mirror field may achieve 2.7 T. The magnet design will
allow us to operate in a wide range of magnetic configuration and this should make the tuning of the source easy.
The prospects for the future will be outlined, along with the two next projects of superconducting ECR sources to be
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
he need for a higher confining field in the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source traps has pushed towards the
use of superconducting magnets. Now many ECR sources work in the High B mode, i.e. with confining field up to 3 B,,, or
higher, which for frequency of 14GHz or higher makes it necessary to use superconducting magnets.
การเปรียบเทียบแหล่ง ECR ยวดยิ่งอุณหภูมิห้อง ECR แหล่งจะนำเสนอ และโดยเฉพาะ
ให้ความสนใจที่จะจ่ายให้กับผลลัพธ์ที่ได้ใน sc-ecris 6.4 GHz ที่ msu-nscl และโครงการของ 14.5 GHz
serse แหล่ง ECR , อะตอม ซึ่งจะใช้ใน laboratorio แห่งชาติ de1 ซุด ( lns ) เป็นหัวฉีดสำหรับ k-800
เครื่องแยกปรมาณูอะตอม .โครงการเดิมของระบบแม่เหล็กที่ได้รับการอัพเกรดโดยพิจารณาผลลัพธ์
ของสูงโหมด B การดําเนินงานของ sc-ecris ที่หน้าหลักแล้วกระจกด้านอาจบรรลุ 2.7 . แม่เหล็กออกแบบ
โอกาสในอนาคตจะถูกระบุไว้ , along with the two next projects of superconducting ECR sources to be
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..