Men and Women are very different in many ways not only physically, but also emotionally, and mentally.
men are taller and weigh more than women and their clothing sizes go far larger than women's clothes.
First, men are stronger and Mimi, bigger body than women.
So women are physically weaker than men and get sick easy.
Furthermore, man’s can protect the woman as well.
Because they have the strong body.
Most but men would like in sports and most women will love the beauty.
Because sports makes a strong body and the larger.
Beauty section will help looking good always.
Second, Women are emotional variance easily.
But it's not scary which is equal to the men's emotions.
Women have smaller brains than men but relations between the two brain hemispheres to work than men.
The men will grow and stepping into adolescence more slowly than women.
Women tend to use indirect speech to tell demand.
man often say directly, no need to use the idea of interpretation.