EFBs of palm oil fiber were collected from a Palm oil Plantation belongs to PT Perkebunan Nusantara
VIII, in Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia. The EFB was dried by sun shine and then chopped and hammermilled
to particle size 1-3 mm, then it was stored in sealed plastic bag at room temperature until use for
pretreatment. Enzymes were provided by Novozyme, Korea. A cellulase complex and -glucosidase were
used to investigate enzymatic digestibility. The cellulase complex had an activity of 70 filter paper units
(FPU) g-1 cellulose. The -glucosidase had an activity of 240 cellobiase units (CBU) g-1. NaOH powder
and others reagents used in this study were of analytical grade.