The loads acting on the towers have an evident random
component which mainly arises from the random nature of wind
loads. Wind effects were determined following [16] and then
the corresponding loading conditions for the tower, designed
according to [17], can be inferred. The resulting acting loads
(caused by wind and the rotation of the rotor blades) were obtained
as a Markov matrix (supplied by the owner), distinguishing
bending moment range, mean bending moment and number of
cycles for each type of cycle. The compression arising from their
own weight is not considered. This constitutes a conservative
assumption, given that it provides higher tensile stresses than
the actual ones. As an example, Table 3 gathers part of the loads
in Section S1. It should be noted that these loads are defined as
operational stability loads, which represent operation of the wind
farm over a service life of 20 years.