5. Conclusions
The present studies demonstrate that both FCM and DCM
increase the immune function in vivo and in vitro, and FCM is
superior to DCM on improving immune ability. One of the factors
is due to that the contents of total polysaccharide and total
Fig. 3. Effects of TP and TF on enhancing immunity in vivo and in vitro. The data are presented as mean7SD (n¼6) and evaluated by one-way ANOVA followed by the
Duncan′s multiple-range tests. Different alphabets (a–f) in superscriptdonate significant difference (Po0.05).
718 S.-j. Zhu et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 149 (2013) 713–719flavonoid in FCM are higher than that in DCM. FCM may be
explored as an excellent immunomodulatory agent for further
development. However, it is necessary to investigated the other
factors in future.