Implications for marketing research
This manuscript provides a balanced approach to exploring the phenomenon of demand and supply integration and seeks to spur future collaborative research between the demand-side and supply-side disciplines.
The framework offers an approach to extending existing marketing theory and guiding conceptual and empirical research to validate the elements and relationships portrayed. The framework rests upon well-established theoretical foundations of (1) customer value theory of the firm, (2) knowledge management and (3) supply chain management to show that demand-focused and supply-focused processes should be integrated and should, in part. rely on superior intelligence generation, dissemination. interpretation and application to maximize creation of customer value. Although extensive conceptual and empirical validation of the framework lies ahead. we view the DSI framework stimulating at least three primary streams of research.
Describing the nature of the demand and supply integration phenomenon,
Expanding traditional demand-side and supply-side research by incorporating questions that consider a demand-supply integration perspective: and,
Exploring the evolving managerial focus and behaviors necessary for managers to realize demand and supply integration
Describing demand and supply integration Future research on the nature of demand and supply integration itself might