We produced the nano-structured graphitic materials by pyrolysis of end-of-life kitchen melamineformaldehyde
(MF) plate without externally supplied catalyst/additive at 1 600°C under nitrogen flow of
2 L/min. Different types of morphologies of carbon materials were observed under the scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) such as, sheet, rod and porous particle. In
Raman analysis, the material shows high level of crystallinity (~70% crystalline and remaining amorphous
carbons) with high purity. We have applied this material in the carbon dissolution experiment with pure
iron pellets under similar condition for a wide range of contact time. The carbon dissolution shows a linear
relationship with contact time, and the maximum ~5.65% is determined for 45 min. The highly ordered
spherical particles are assembled in the interfacial region of iron/MF. The high magnification of the spherical
particle on SEM shows different types of phases containing carbon along with visible grain boundaries.
The progression of carbon diffusion is found from the interface to the beneath of the surface in the
polished iron pellet. The process is a promising recycling of sustainable material, end-of-life MF products
for value-added advanced products as new carbon resource in steelmaking process for energy savings.