Soybean (Glycine max) is a leguminous plant. Majority of nonvegetarian
people do not consume animal products on a daily basis in
quantities sufficient to provide the recommended amount of protein.
Soybeans are a rich source of good quality protein. Besides nutritional
benefits soybeans provide several therapeutic benefits too. Soybean is
one of the very few plants that provide high quality protein. Soybeans
contain all the major macronutrients required for good nutrition, as well
as fiber, vitamins, minerals. Soybean protein provides all the essential
amino acids in the amounts needed for human health. Soybean meal
is the supplemental protein source most widely used in animal feeds.
Soybean meal is an excellent source of protein, because nearly 480 g/kg
of the Dry Matter (DM) is protein and the protein quality is high [1].
Soybeans have almost 40% protein, making soybeans higher in protein
than any other legumes and many animal products. The quality of soy
protein is virtually equivalent in quality to that of milk and egg protein.
The composition of soybean seed not only affects the soymilk and soy
paneer quality but also its yield [2]. Unlike many other good sources of
protein, soybean not only has higher percentage of oil but also quality
fatty acid profile. It has low saturated fat content with high amount of
essential fatty acids. Soybean oil obtained from the soybean is also a
good source of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids similar to those found in fish
oils and are cholesterol-free. Soybeans are an excellent source of dietary
fiber with both soluble and insoluble fiber.