penetration speed 150 mm/min). The maximum penetration
depth was set at 80 mm and force level was determined at two
different depths (25 and 50 mm). The temperature of measuring
chamber was also kept constant (10±2 °C). In some cases,
a 6.4 mm flat head cylindrical probe was initially cooled to
0.5 °C using crashed ice flakes, then at a speed of 20 mm/min
was penetrated to a depth of 10 mm. Prior to analysis, all ice
creams were conditioned (−22 °C, 24 h).
Wooden sticks (112×9 mm) were inserted vertically at
the center of ice creams immediately after being filled
in plastic cups (50 mm depth). Stickiness test was
performed using a UTM at 10±2 °C where the cup of
ice cream was placed inside a fixed Plexiglas chamber
(designed in our lab) and the wooden stick was grabbed
and pulled out by the moving head of UTM at a speed
of 150 mm/min (maximum distance was 60 mm).