There are two problems that can affect the heart valves. the valve may not close properly , so blood leaks backward in wrong direction ( valve insufficiency or incompetence ( as shown here)
The valve may become narrowed, so blood cannot flow easily ( valve stenosis)
Both put extra strain on the heart, surgery can replace or repair a diseased or abnormal valve
Valve replacement is carried out under a general anesthetic, which means that you will be asleep throughout the procedure and no pain
A cut is made down the middle of the breastbone (sternum) the ribcage is opened so the surgeon can reach the heart
Medication is used to temporarily stop the heart. the blood then rerouted to a heart-lung ( by pass) machine. This takes over from heart and lungs, and adds oxygen to the blood and maintains circulation
The surgeon will remove the diseased valve and sew in a replacement valve. There are two types; mechanical valves, which are artificial manufactured valves and biological valve which are made from human or animal tissue (usually from pig)
After the graft is attached, the heart is restarted with control electrical shocks and the sternum is rejoined wires.
The skin on the chest is closed with dissolvable stitches