3.6 Field Days
Field days were held at three levels:
3.6.1 Village level: This was a farmers’ field day organized at the time of harvest of the FPR
trials. After the trial plots were harvested, all data were recorded and the results were analyzed
together with the farmers. In this way, farmers learned and obtained information to make decisions
about those technologies most suitable for their own conditions. They then discussed and planned for
action in the following year.
3.6.2 District level: The objective of this level of field day was to disseminate the new
technologies to nearby villages and sub-districts. During the field day, experienced farmers shared
their knowledge with other farmers. Researchers and extensionists from DOA, DOAE, and LDD
talked about ways to increase cassava production efficiency, increasing soil fertility by planting
green manures, and control erosion by planting vetiver contour hedgerows. The field days took
place in the project sites so that the visiting farmers would be able to study the real situation. This
methodology was quite effective as the farmers were interested in duplicating the practices of soil
erosion control in their own areas.
3.6.3 Provincial level: At this level, approximately 1,000-1,500 farmers and officials from
nearby provinces were invited to visit the provincial field day. Reporters from newspapers and
television stations were also invited in order to report the project activities through the mass media.