Nowadays modern society requires people to be educated. And in order to get educated people have to learn new things every day. People study when they are children, when they are young, when they are adults. Process of education is constant. But the most crucial part of education is going on in childhood. Kids need good teachers. And I believe the best ones for them are their parents. Namely parents spend much time together with children, they perfectly know needs of their sons and daughters, nothing saying about they normally concern about them.
Actually, parents and children are together a lot of time. If the parents are good of course. Parents do not have to put new knowledge into kids at specified hours like at school. Appropriate moments for teaching appear in natural way when for example some things happen.
It is known, parents know what children need for fair. And parents teach exactly that things children want to know.
Finally, parents are such people who do care indeed. It is notorious fact, several teachers at school and at university do not like they job. They consider education as just a way to earn some money. On the contrary normal parents want the best destiny for their little kids.
So parents have all features to be the splendid teachers for their children. And when kids grow up they do not forget about that significant role their parents played in their lives. Parents deserve respect and care.