Table 1 shows a brief summary of the sample apartments,
designated as A–O. Apartments K–O were situated
in an urban area, whereas the other apartments
were situated in a suburban area. The floor area of the
apartments ranged from 99 to 166 m2, and the averaged
floor area was slightly higher than that of the
overall housing of Seoul. All apartments were singlefamily
units, and most of the families consisted of two
children and two adults. The floor number of the
apartments ranged from the 2nd to 26th floor, and the
highest building has 33 floors. Low-, medium-, and
high-elevation apartments were included in all sites, as
shown in Table 1. The apartments were also selected
from both central and border buildings of the sites.
Units A–E and K–O were sited within 100 m of a main
traffic road that consisted of two roadways with two
lanes. Units F–J were more than 200 m away from the
main traffic road.
Table 1 shows a brief summary of the sample apartments,designated as A–O. Apartments K–O were situatedin an urban area, whereas the other apartmentswere situated in a suburban area. The floor area of theapartments ranged from 99 to 166 m2, and the averagedfloor area was slightly higher than that of theoverall housing of Seoul. All apartments were singlefamilyunits, and most of the families consisted of twochildren and two adults. The floor number of theapartments ranged from the 2nd to 26th floor, and thehighest building has 33 floors. Low-, medium-, andhigh-elevation apartments were included in all sites, asshown in Table 1. The apartments were also selectedfrom both central and border buildings of the sites.Units A–E and K–O were sited within 100 m of a maintraffic road that consisted of two roadways with twolanes. Units F–J were more than 200 m away from themain traffic road.
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