Primary school is split into two cycles and each cycle is split into different levels called niveles básicos or N.B: First cycle (primer ciclo/ciclo I) years 1 to 4 and second cycle (segundo ciclo/Ciclo II), years 5 to 8.
The primary curriculum includes eleven compulsory areas:
Language and communication
Indigenous language (compulsory in the schools with high density of indigenous students)
Foreign languages (compulsory in Ciclo II)
Natural sciences
Geography and social sciences
Physical education
Orientation and religion, which needs to be offered by the school but it’s optional for the students.
Secondary school
Secondary school (enseñanza media) provides pupils with more specialised training than their basic education and prepares them for university or vocational training. The four years of compulsory secondary school are divided into two, two-year cycles, the curriculum containing compulsory and optional subjects.
During secondary school, the compulsory subjects are:
Language and communication,
Science (physics, chemistry and biology)
Social science
Physical education
Visual or musical arts
Technology, the first two years
Philosophy and psychology, the last two years.
Upon completion of secondary school, pupils who have achieved passing grades are awarded a graduate of secondary education (Licenciado en Enseñanza Media) certificate enabling them access to higher education or to undergo specialised vocational training. Also, pupils finishing professional school obtain a diploma of técnico de nivel medio in whatever specialty they studied.