This is a serious problem for emerging countries because of improper
telecommunication infrastructure and high cost Internet access and these could become the main inhibitors for
businesses to participate in e-Business (Fleenor and Raven, [31]). Furthermore, e -Business also offers a better way
of business transaction between buyers and sellers, where in emerging countries, it might become a problem due to
undeveloped online policies and regulation to control online transaction (Shakir, [16]). A study on Brazilian
consumers shows that low e-commerce adoption in Brazil is caused by privacy, security and taxation concern, lack
of business laws regulation for e-commerce and poor legal protection for online purchases (Kshetri, [33]).
Furthermore, in China, trust and security is considered to be one of the dominant obstacles where RMB 5.5 billion is
loss due to violations and fraud, followed by loss of RMB 200 billion from low quality and counterfeit products
(Zhao et al., [11]). Thus, developing countries should be aware on these issues while developing and improving its
strategy for e-Business adoption in their country.