The pds cassette from pPlat–pds Mod4.1 [37] was amplified using PrimeStar HS DNA polymerase and primers: pdsSHindIIIF, pdsLHindIIIF, for pBS–pds short (S) and long (L), respectively and pdsEcoRIR for both (Table 1), restricted by HindIII and EcoRI and ligated into pBluescript II SK(−). Ligated plasmid was transformed into DH5α E. coli cells and cultivated on solid LB agar media containing 200 μg × mL−1 ampicillin. Transformed colonies were verified by PCR with the abovementioned primers and by DNA sequencing in the DNA sequencing center of BenGurion University (BGU), Israel. pBS–pds long contains bases Nr 186 till 5825 of plasmid pPlat–pds (accession number DQ404589, the pds cassette including the full length promoter). pBS–pds short contains bases Nr 1212 till 5825 of plasmid pPlat–pds cassette including short
version of promoter.