Project education is chiropractors nakhai grow San Te fertilizer project, the study about how to make fertilizer and grow San Kai Te nakhai step fermentation methods, fertilizer, so that knowledge that there is chiropractors San Te nakhai grow nutrients, or the benefits of Terra Santa and grown nakhai can follow the methods and steps of making fertilizer by CAI nakhai grow San te has done studies with experimental methods by planting marigold flowers that grow nakhai San Te kai fertilizers can accelerate the growth or not by the experiment made in the project from the local fertilizer trial. and fertilizer grow nakhai San Te kai group have risen, making study.With CAI knowledge and grow nakhai San Te step fermentation fertilizer from Kai Te nakhai San Toh, and can be used with the trial, we want to cultivate plants that produce results for such a project is beneficial to the project and made the way people or people of interest who want to use fertilizer from Kai Te nakhai grow San applied to various crops and cultivation may be caused if there is a great step in the development of CAI subject Te nakhai San Toh, which should be added the fertilizer nutrients into the Chrysler Te nakhai grow San to provide better performance and quality.