To focus our efforts on global pharmaceutical requirements, we have elected to remove the compliance to the Food Chemical Codex (FCC) for the products listed below; therefore, “FCC” will be removed from the product name. This letter provides notification of a name change to CARBOWAX™ SENTRY™ Polyethylene Glycol 1450 grade products. The old and new naming conventions are noted in the table
Other changes to the specifications and COA will be implemented for these products:
1. Product names will now indicate “Inhibited” if the product contains Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or “Uninhibited” if the product does not have BHT added.
2. On the specification and COA documents, the Government and Industry Standards section will be revised to show applicable cGMP/current monograph compliances (e.g. NF, Kosher, etc.). In addition, the specification will contain a listing of applicable FDA clearances.
3. Test parameters will be grouped on the specification and COA by the relevant monograph: National formulary/US Pharmacopeia (NF/USP) and ASTM method/ DOWM method.
4. Quarterly analyses will be included as individual line items with the frequency stated. The current paragraph at the end of the specification/COA which contained this information will be eliminated.
5. Where applicable, tests methods will now reference the NF/USP or ASTM/DOWM method. Method equivalencies/validations have been documented in Dow files for the methods.
6. Test and Test Condition naming will be standardized how they are displayed on the specifications and COA. There will be no changes on how the test is performed.
7. Test items from non-supported monographs will be eliminated from the specification.
8. Specification limits will be updated to either align with monograph specifications or Dow established limits.
The tables below are a summary of the changes: