รู้Managing costs and working efficiently remain challenges in the current low oil price environment. I am pleased to see the overall progress of Chevron Thailand cost management initiatives and the efforts of everyone involved throughout the organization.
Nonetheless, there are still opportunities for us to improve in cost management. Recent contractor audits and investigations have demonstrated that lack of due diligence in the review and approval of contractor timesheets is an issue across ASBU profit centers.
These investigations have uncovered some real-life examples of overcharging, including contractors wrongly charging for weekends and holidays, charging day rates during home leave, and charging more than the contractually defined eight hours per day, etc. These cases alone amounted to nearly $2 million that we are now claiming back from respective contractor companies. These overcharges are the result of employees not exercising proper due diligence. In some cases, the negligent approval of timesheets could be considered a breach of an employee’s fiduciary duty.
We are all accountable as leaders for our capital stewardship, whether we are executing major capital projects, approving major purchases or approving contractor time sheets.
If your duties include approving contractor timesheets, you have an obligation to conduct a proper review of claimed hours and rates being charged. Before signing timesheets, you should ensure that it accurately reflects the services provided and that the claim is allowable under the contract.
I ask each of you to demonstrate accountability and leadership to support this effort and help maintain our financial strength during this challenging period.