Body composition measures were collected between September 2007 and June 2008 on 2,304 children (12.4±0.3 years) who were enrolled in public schools in the Niagara region (Ontario, Canada) and who agreed to participate in a larger study designed to identify the cardiovascular risk profile of school-aged children living with and without significant motor coordination problems.24 For the current study, data on child, mother, and father eating behaviours were collected from a subset of children and their primary caregivers (n=894), with complete eating behaviour data available for 433 child–parent dyads and complete eating behaviour and covariate data available for 431 children. A subset of these participants (n=250) also had complete data available on parental education and the number of parents in the household. Ethics approval was obtained from Brock University’s Research Ethics Board and the District School Board of Niagara’s Research Committee.