Respect the reef. Help keep the reef healthy by following local guidelines, recommendations, regulations, and customs. If you dive, don't touch the coral. Keep your fins, gear, and hands away from the coral since this contact can hurt you and will damage the delicate coral animals. Stay off the bottom because stirred-up sediment can settle on corals and smother them. Avoid entering sensitive habitat areas with your boat or other motorized watercraft. Maintain your boat engine to prevent oil and gas leaks. Keep all waste produced during your excursions in a safe place to be disposed of properly when you're back on land. If you go boating near a coral reef, don't anchor your boat on the reef. Use mooring buoy systems if they are available. Maintain and use your marine sanitation devices properly. Conserve energy and keep your auto in good running condition. By conserving energy, harmful air emissions leading to air deposition are minimized.