Jinyoung realized that something disappeared in his lips, he knew his brother lips was gone from his, he should open his eyes though, but instead open his eyes, he closed it firmly. He didn’t want to open it. He is too scared to look at his brother. He don’t want to hear anything from his brother about the kiss, maybe it just a usual kiss he had. Just let it pass hyung, just let it pass.
He reassure his heart that it just a usual kiss they did as a brother. But it getting hotter and the worst is he I like the kiss. Maybe it’s because the movie we watched, he warn his mind.
“Baby, hey..” mark called him. Honestly, mark didn’t sure what to do after the kiss, he just need to disappear. He is the one who broke the kiss after he got his sense back. He saw jinyoung still closed the eyes, his fisted both of his hand, and of course mark knew that jinyoung is too scared to open his eyes. He need to clear this, he need to find an excuse about what happen to them 5 minutes ago. It just a usual kiss I gave to jinyoung, right? He remind himself before finally he called nd cupped jinyoung’s face again.
Jinyoung shocked when his hyung hand touch him, he is sweating. He just gulped and still closed his eyes.
“Jinyoungie, hey look at me” mark called again
Finally jinyoung open his eyes, he need to encourage his self to finally open his eyes. He should knew that it just a kiss. A usual kiss he had from a brother. It just got hot because of the movie. YES you are right, c’mon jinyoung open your eyes, he scream in his heart and open his eyes. “Ye-sss hyyu-ng”
“Honey, I’m sorry I just kiss you, I didn’t mean it. I just want to get your attention but…” mark thinks about the good reason, but before he could find the idea, jinyoung cut his thought
“Hyung!” he sighed before he continue “It’s okay hyung, I’m should be the one wose apologized, sorry hyung when I kissed you, I remember of someone” jinyoung finally found an idea before this thing going to be really awkward.
“What do you mean?”
“Someone kiss me last week in college, but after that my kissing’s skill was totally suck. So what do you think hyung, did my kissing’s skill really bad?” woah what did u say park jinyoung? He screams in is brain totally felt so stupid when he got that idea, his just hope his hyung believed his foolishness lied, just today.
“Hmm no, you are a great kisser” mark reply and he widened his eyes what he said. “I mean my brother didn’t that bad for a kiss” he cleared his statement before
“wait wait are you dating with someone?” mark asked again
“Hmm no hyung” jinyoung reply, it’s true jinyoung didn’t had any boyfriend, he never had before.
“so what about the kissing you said before?” mark totally confused
“Oh hyung we just tried to kiss like anyone in our age, I just want to know the taste of the kiss”
Mark sighed “honey, promise me you won’t did it again”
Before jinyoung can answer, mark got a phone from an his uncle. He look at jinyoung before he stood up and pick up the phone.
On the phone
“Yes uncle” mark said
“I already booking a flight for next week to LA and I already settle everything, you just need to meet her there okay”
“Okay, and I’ll bring jinyoung with me next week”
“didn’t he had a class?”
“Nope, next week it’s summer holiday”
“Okay, it’s good so he will know your future wife”
“I didn’t say yes yet uncle”
“I know but you will love her, you know her too”
“what do you mean?”
“Nothing, it’s surprise” his uncle chuckled “oh and did you tell jinyoung yet about what we talked before?” his uncle voice suddenly become sad
“Not yet, I need to find a right time to tell him” mark said
“okay, just tell me if you need my help. So don’t forget about next week”
“Ok uncle, bye” he hang up the phone and come back to the couch that jinyoung sit
“Uncle called me” mark said after he sit beside jinyoung
“why hyung? did you had a problem?” jinyoung ask worriedly
Mark chuckled “No honey”. Jinyoung sighed and nod in reply
“we are going to LA next week” mark said
“Oh okay” Jinyoung answer before he realized the LA word. “WHAT? Hyung, we are going to LA?” he said happily, he miss LA
“Yes honey, I need to check the company there and I need to meet someone, but don’t worry after that we will have fun there” he ruffled jinyoung’s hair
“YEYY okay hyung, I’ll start packing from now” like a child, jinyoung forgot all the kiss before and just happily walk to his room
“Did he hear me I said next week?” mark said to himself and chuckled because his childish brother
“Hyung let’s go” jinyoung grab mark’s hand who is still in the living room, busy with his handphone
“wait a minute honey I need to message youngjae about my schedule” mark said and typing a message with his left hand cause jinyoung still grabbing his right hand
“Okay finish, let’s go” mark said cheerfully and they drove away to airport
“Woaaah hyung we are here” jinyoung said happily when they are arrived in LA. Mark just chuckled to see the