Based on the 1997 haze episode, emission scenarios are
created to study the transport of haze to Singapore from
di!erent source locations in the region, as well as for
di!erent emission timing. These scenarios include di!erent hotspot locations for Sumatra and Kalimantan. As
shown in Fig. 1, 30 emission locations were mapped out
as the probable locus of hotspots. The locations represent
the major "res that occurred in the last haze event for
1997. Satellite images from NOAA-AVHRR show that
dense numbers of hotspots are located in southeast Sumatra and southern Kalimantan. All possible locations
are incorporated to account for di!erent wind trajectories from the locations, although most of the locations
are situated in Sumatra. The"res in Sumatra contributed
to the bulk of the haze in Singapore during the 1997 haze
event. However, during some periods, Kalimantan"res
also a!ected the country; several scenarios for Kalimantan are included as well.