Psychological Approaches target the "software," learned faulty behaviors and habits, along with damaging words, thoughts, interpretations, and feedback that direct strategies for daily living. Psychological approaches assume that many disorders result from mental, behavioral, and social factors, such as personal experiences, traumas, conflicts, and environmental conditions.
Psychological Treatments attempt to change behaviors, thoughts, and thought processes that impair daily living, thereby improving functioning. Practiced by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and counselors, psychological treatments include four types of psychotherapy.
Psychodynamic Therapy
View: Problems are symptoms of unresolved traumas and conflicts
Focus: Inner, often unconscious motivations as well as attempts to resolve conflicts between personal needs and social requirements
Approach: By understanding and making more conscious the relationships between overt problems and the unresolved, internal conflicts that caused them, people can work through problems to reach an effective solution
Behaviorial Therapy
View: Problems are the result of learned, self-defeating behaviors
Focus: Observable behavior and conditions that sustain unhealthy behavior
Approach: By applying the principles of conditioning and reinforcement, people can learn healthy behaviors
Cognitive Therapy
View: Problems are the result of what we think (cognitive content) and how we think (cognitive process), including distorted view of situations and self, faulty reasoning, and poor problem solving
Focus: Thoughts and thought processes that cause problematic emotions and behaviors
Approach: By reconfiguring damaging thinking patterns, people can learn healthy, realistic ways of thinking about life experiences
Existential/Humanistic Therapy
View: Problems are the result of issues related to difficulties in daily life, especially a lack of both meaningful relationships and significant goals
Focus: Ways to unite mind and body, that is, the whole person, and thus release the potential for greater levels of performance and greater richness of experience
Approach: By examining experiences in current life situations, people can develop their individuality and learn how to realize their full potential