3. Vary Your Voice – One way to continually hook your audience is through your voice. There are four basic aspects to voice: pitch, pace, pause and projection. With practice and purposefulness, you can animate your words to great effect. What do you want to highlight as you speak? What do you want your audience to retain? What key words or key word phrases do you want to stick in the minds of those you are with? Your voice will enter the mind of the receivers and either deaden the effect or create waves of neural interest.
The ups and downs of pitch add interest; shows you have interest. You can speed up your pace to show excitement or slow it down to stress some important feature of your art. A moment of silence with pause lets them take in something you said. And using projection, speaking louder or softer creates the mood you want. Master these four through coaching and practice and you have much more influence. Having more influence gives you more confidence.