Landfill Grobina is designed as new the landfill site for waste from Liepaja town. Municipal
solid waste will be deposited in the energy cells. Volume of the energy cell is designed for
landfilling of the organic waste in time not more 0,5 year. Landfilling will be started from one
side, then continues to other side, making slopes and then covering with clay layer. When
covering is finished, into cell body will drill gas wells, mount gas pipelines. Dimensions of gas
pipes from well to collector D110 mm, from collector to magistral pipe D150 mm and magistral
pipe D200 mm. Each cell has valve for possibility to close cell. For increasing gas production
rate will be used leachate recovery system. Leachate recovery system includes tank for heating of
the leachate. Into tank is located equipment for heating, then leachate by pump is transported to
energy cells. In upper part of cell are 50 cm trenches in which are located perforated pipes D110
mm, these pipes are covered with gravel for draining. Perforated part of pipe is turned direction to
the bottom for possibility of percolation of the leachate to waste. Total length of leachate line
1460 m trench 0,9 m deep.