I thought we schedule some time for our own training in the office with Oliver to get familiar - ASG product training ?
This is heavy stuff and we need to get familiar with the products. Why do we need to get Oliver to betagro ?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the training on Tuesday morning starting at 8:30 in the office until lunch and early afternoon and then go off to the Ramatibady at 2:00 pm ?
Just my five cents to the planning .
Am 06.08.2016 um 04:51 schrieb Thitiya Poonpet :
Dear Oliver,
Please see your schedule below
Monday 8th: 7:10 pm Your Arrival
Tuesday 9th: 8:00 am Pick up from the hotel
8:15 am Arrive at the office
8:30 am Travel to Chulalongkorn University (together with Bernd and Lun)
9:00 am Meet Betagro (antibody service customer)
10:00 am Short training and discussion (sitting area at Chulalongkorn University)
11:30 am Lunch
12:30 pm Travel to Ramathibodi Hospital
1:30 pm Meet Tumor bank staffs (5-7 person)
3:30 pm Discuss with Mr. Songpon
4:30 pm Dinner
6:00 pm Arrive at your Hotel
Wednesday 10th 8:00 am Pick up from the hotel
9:00 am Meet NHealth (7-9 person)
11:00 am Travel to Chulalongkorn University
12:00 am Lunch
1:00 pm Meet Genome & Proteom Center (3-5 person)
3:00 pm Arrive at your Hotel
10:10 pm Your departure