In each experiment, 10 g puri-fied CF was dissolved in 300 mL distilled water in presence of 5 gNa2SO3as reducing agent and 20 mL of 1 M NaOH for maintaining pH 12. The reaction mixture was stirred (150 RPM) at 150◦C tem-perature for four hours. On complete dissolution of CF, 1 M HCl was added drop wise to bring mixture to slight basic conditionat which four different dopants/modifiers i.e. PEG-DE, MP-NIPAM,allyl alcohol (AA) and trisilanol phenyl-POSS were allowed to react chemically for one hour. After one hour, the modified keratin was precipitated by adding 1 M HCl and dropping pH to 4.2 [isoelectric point (pI) of keratin].