Biodegradable polymer was prepared from thermoplastic rice starch (TPRS) plasticized by glycerol.
In order to improve poor tensile properties and high water absorption of the TPRS, cotton fiber or
low-density polyethylene (LDPE) were added into the TPRS matrix. The effect of maleic anhydridegrafted-
polyethylene (MAPE) and vinyltrimethoxy silane (VTMS) compatibilizers on properties of the
TPRS/LDPE specimens were also studied. The TPRS/cotton fiber, TPRS/LDPE, TPRS/LDPE/MAPE and
TPRS/LDPE/VTMS samples were analyzed for tensile and morphological properties. The results showed
that the incorporation of either cotton fiber or LDPE into the TPRS matrix caused the considerable
improvement of tensile strength and Young’s modulus. Moreover, water absorption of the TPRS samples
was clearly reduced by the inclusion of cotton fiber or LDPE. In addition, phase morphology, thermal
stability and biodegradability were carried out for different TPRS samples.
Biodegradable polymer was prepared from thermoplastic rice starch (TPRS) plasticized by glycerol.In order to improve poor tensile properties and high water absorption of the TPRS, cotton fiber orlow-density polyethylene (LDPE) were added into the TPRS matrix. The effect of maleic anhydridegrafted-polyethylene (MAPE) and vinyltrimethoxy silane (VTMS) compatibilizers on properties of theTPRS/LDPE specimens were also studied. The TPRS/cotton fiber, TPRS/LDPE, TPRS/LDPE/MAPE andTPRS/LDPE/VTMS samples were analyzed for tensile and morphological properties. The results showedthat the incorporation of either cotton fiber or LDPE into the TPRS matrix caused the considerableimprovement of tensile strength and Young’s modulus. Moreover, water absorption of the TPRS sampleswas clearly reduced by the inclusion of cotton fiber or LDPE. In addition, phase morphology, thermalstability and biodegradability were carried out for different TPRS samples.
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