For many consumers, health awareness is no longer limited to maintaining a healthy diet and
Physical activity. But extends to their interactions with all businesses. Consumers are now
Looking for products and services that part of a holistic healthy lifestyle and comply with high
Safety standards. They expect companies to proactively meet their needs. As a result, the rag
Of products affected by the new “health mania” now runs the full gamut, and several health
Movements that began as trends are becoming mainstream.
Health awareness is growing among all Canadians but is more predominant among seniors
(65 years old and older), and prolonging their vitality has become a key priority. By 2031,
25% of Canadians (approximately9 million people) will be over 65 years old, Compared To 14% today, so this health awareness trend will only accelerate. Since the aging Canadian Population also has significant purchasing power, this group represents an interesting target
For SMEs. An increasing number of Canadian are becoming more health conscious, leading many to
Pursue a healthier lifestyle and integrate preventive health measures into their daily lives.
According to the recent BDC lapses survey, while half of Canadians consider the health impact Of a product when making purchasing decisions, one-third claim they are willing to pay a
Premium for healthy products.
In sum, health awareness is changing the type of products Canadians purchase for their family,The sports they play, and how they spend their leisure time.