“No seriously Ashley. Here, let me prove it to you. You have an older brother, Miles. Your mom died when you were born. You really freaking hate your dad because he constantly has a new girlfriend. I think you said the most recent one’s name is Diane. And you had leftover pizza for lunch today before you went in to see our biology teacher.”
She looked completely oblivious.
“How did you…”
“I told you! I am not Mr. Blayes, I am Eric. We talked today at lunch, remember.”
“Eric? How did you… What?!”
“It’s a really long story. But, right now I want to leave. You in? We can go to his house. He is with his wife at the hospital.”
She quietly agreed.
“Do you have your brother’s keys? I think I can drive us. At least, Mr. Blayes knows how to drive us.”
She coughed up Miles’ keys and I took them. Luckily, they carpooled and her dad didn’t trust Miles with the keys since he was so forgetful, so Ashley had them. We got into his car and drove off.
We sat for a couple minutes with only awkward background music keeping us from going crazy.
“So uh, Eric… How did… this… happen?” She gestured at my body.
“Well, this is going to sound crazy, but I guess you have already assumed that much right?” I said in Mr. Blayes’ voice.
She nodded.
“I have shapeshifting powers. I have known for about a month. When I come into contact with someone, I transform into them. I never intend for it to happen, it just does.” I explained.
She took in a deep breath.
“So, you’re a shapeshifter? Like from movies and crap?” She paused for a moment. “That’s so FREAKING cool! Who have you been?!” She yelled out excitedly.
“Well, only Mr. Blayes, some senior at school, and my dad.” I explained, somewhat embarrassed about the last one.
“Eww, you were your dad? That’s creepy.”
“Yeah, you dont’ know the half of it.” I said as I remembered hitting on my mom.
“So, you don’t know how you got this power?”
“No, it just kinda showed up a month ago.” I said as I spun the driving wheel around a corner.
“Well, it’s awesome whatever it is. I wish something that exciting happened to me.” Ashley said depressingly.
“Oh believe me, I don’t think this thing is a gift. As cool as it is I guess, I feel weird when I am someone different. Like right now, I can feel Mr. Blayes’ emotions and personality. Earlier, I acted just like him.”
“But that’s a good thing right? You are like a master of disguise with that power. Look at you! You are driving perfectly already.”
“I guess I am…” I said quietly. “But still, I can’t help but feel that this whole thing is bigger than me. There has to be some reason I got these powers.”
I pulled into Mr. Blayes’ driveway and put my head on the steering wheel. I processed everything that was happening to me while Ashley comforted me.
“Look Eric. Maybe this whole thing is bigger than you think, but for right now, you need to relax. You look like a freaking grown ass man, act like one!” She teased.
I giggled in Mr. Blayes’ deep voice and thanked her.
“You are right. Let’s have a little fun. Maybe Mr. Blayes has beer in his house!”