Dear Sukhum,
From what i observed, the HR's implementation of the ordering process needs be improved greatly and orders to be treated with more urgency.
I had signed on the Order Form with items clearly stated with descriptions and even P/Ns (when previously there was no need to put any P/Ns for such items) since 29th July - in fact this Order Form is a revised one from an even earlier one
because the HR purchasing person have no clue at all after receiving the first Order Form although items pictures were sent also for reference.
The warehouse admin Taew had also informed the HR purchase person that goods are needed by Monday (3rd Aug). How come your PO was sent to supplier only after so many days on the 3rd Aug itself(?) and then no follow up on its delivery until 6th Aug . And this is only AFTER I told Taew to follow up with HR why the goods still not arrived. Even then, Taew still fails to have any get any delivery date from HR, so i have to follow up myself.
I had already stated very clearly in my email below, that if the exact P/Ns items no have, can just get the equivalent ones to replace. The message was crystal clear, but after receiving my email, instead of clarifying with me if in doubt, i don't know why you still call Anant to ask whether need to buy replacements or not.
Anyway, I will tell Anant to go buy himself on Monday (10th Aug) and HR purchase team better check when the items arrive to familiarize themselves with such frequently used items so that we all do not need to waste more company's time on the ordering process due to HR have no clue on the items to be bought. I would also prefer you or another person from the HR to join him on Monday to familiarize with such items.
If ever in doubt regarding for your so called mismatched items for any orders, please always recheck with the person placing the order. And in this particular case, it's likely warehouse will have to place order for the same items again in 1 - 2 months time, so I don't wish
to go through this tedious and delayed process again when it is actually a very straight forward one. Having to make 3 separate company trips to Hardware House for one single Order Form reflects very badly on the purchasing team.
Furthermore, even if the Hardware House is out of stock, why didn't the HR purchase team source them from other suppliers since equivalents, as i stated, can be use. Telling me everything no stock and strangely even deleting them out from our PO (who authorized such funny deletions ?)
is not helpful to me at all, especially when we are talking about such commonly used items.