On the following pages, you will be presented with 28 sets of four words each.
2.Read the four words in each set carefully. Think about how accurately each word describes you when you are at work.
3.Select only one word that most accurately describes you at work. Click the box in the "MOST" column next to that word. In the example below, "enthusiastic" was selected as the word that most described the respondent at work.
4.Looking at the same set, select only one word that least describes you at work. Click the box in the "LEAST" column next to that word. In the example below, "daring" was selected as the word that least described the respondent at work.
5.Follow the same steps for each of the remaining sets of words by clicking the "NEXT" button. Please be sure to select one "MOST" and one "LEAST" word in all 28 sets.
Please note that you can click on any word while responding to see its definition.
THIS IS NOT A TEST. There are no right or wrong answers. You cannot pass or fail. Completing this profile usually takes 10 minutes.