5. Conclusion
This article has presented methodology for learning content development, which could be compatible with all kind of mobile devices. Mobile devices compose different hardware and software, so even e-learning content development and m-learning content development have some similarities, the process of mobile learning content requires some specific adjustments. Mobile content must be able to support interaction with device and user’s mobility. There are also extra requirements for media files, because mobile devices typically have different resolutions, screen sizes and performance.
153 Nauris Paulins et al. / Procedia Computer Science 43 ( 2015 ) 147 – 153
Mobile learning is still a new territory for designers and developers; during the research the decision was made that development process should be separated from delivery. This makes it easier to change the content and update the technical solutions. In such manner delivery process can be more dynamic and can provide better content adaption to user devices. Further research of this project will be focused on content delivery according to the learning context. The ongoing work is being done on methodology transformation to real development tool which could provide educational resource creation in a mobile context and sharing between most of mobile devices. There is still a research needed to reveal appropriate technologies and pedagogical approaches which could remove the barriers to educational diversity